Brand Culture
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It's ripe, red on the river.

It is the scene of the harvest, but also the unique beauty of those precious red treasures in the two river basins of The Weining Plain.

Growing in the Weining Plains, Zhongning, nourished by the Qingshui River and the Yellow River for hundreds of years, the most superior natural environment has created the most earthly red treasures.

We paint a beautiful picture of the brand's geographical characteristics, giving an immersive sense of the brand's geography, ecology, health and quality.

The logo shape is derived from a grain of radon and represents the attribute characteristics of the brand. Take a small view, through a grain of radon, trace the origin of radon, experience the ecological origin of the red treasures, enjoy a healthy quality of life. Pass out the brand from the origin to the audience's hands of the whole traceable concept and high-end quality assurance.

The overall image of the red side hand-drawn way to bring the audience into the source of the situation, with elegant and smooth font tone, rich in mood, so that the brand brings its own sense of story and history, fascinating. Maximize the brand value of the presentation, shaping a rich connotation, unique tone, international concept of high-end agricultural food brands.

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